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Essential Assessment: What is it and how can you use it?

September 23, 2019 |

Topic: Clinical Assessments HR Management

Our essential assessment is generally comprised of 15 questions. Usually they are true or false, multiple choice, fill the gap, or if the course allows, sorting/sequencing questions. The questions reflect the content of the video and are designed to ascertain if the learner has understood the content presented in the video.

Where possible, these questions are reflective of the wording in the video so the learner is able to easily identify and recall what they’ve learned. When we create the assessment questions we take into consideration that 22.2% of direct care employees are migrants that speak a language other than English and that the most commonly held qualifications in aged care aligns with the Australian Qualifications Framework Level 3.

Our essential assessment is available as a PDF resource that can be downloaded and printed out for learners or they can complete the questions on Bridge (note: the Bridge Essential Assessment does contain Factoid and Vocab questions that enable randomisation of questions which is also discussed in this newsletter).

Learners can complete the questions as they watch the video or at the end of the video. If you are in a group, you could read out the questions and then have the group discuss the answers. If a staff member has difficulty completing the assessment, you could complete it with them by reading out the questions and recording their answers.

If you utilise our Bridge LMS it’s important to check that you have ‘Open Book Quiz’ turned on as it allows learners to move back in the slides and rewatch the video if they would like to review any of the content.

Also, don’t forget in Bridge we have a feature called ‘Bridge Retain’ which will resend learners the essential assessment at planned intervals to aid in embedding learning. For more information on this feature, please follow this link.

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